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"Agroprodmash-2020", the 25rd international exhibition

Today, the 25th anniversary international exhibition of equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for the food and processing industry "Agroprodmash-2020"opened in Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Her training took place in the difficult conditions associated with the coronavirus pandemic. But the organizers managed to confirm the high international level, the scale and representativeness of the exhibition and its business program in compliance with all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and sanitary and epidemiological security measures.

According to the updated data on the opening day, 353 companies from 19 countries are taking part in Agroprodmash 2020: Belarus, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, China, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the United States, Turkey, Ukraine, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden.

90 companies are foreign participants. 263 exhibitors represent both Russian manufacturers and foreign dealers.

National expositions were formed by Germany and Italy. The German pavilion brings together 23 companies that demonstrate equipment for processing meat, poultry, fish, confectionery and bakery industries, for heat treatment, slicing, packaging, storage and much more.

The Italian National exposition, organized by ICE / TEA, represents the Federation of Italian Mechanical Engineering Associations (ANIMA), the Italian Association of Packaging Machine Manufacturers (UCIMA) and 20 companies.

A worthy place at the exhibition is occupied by manufacturers from almost all regions of Russia. 173 participants are introduced to the latest domestic developments. The exhibition includes regional collective expositions of the Republic of Tatarstan, Altai, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Vladimir, Voronezh, Kaluga, Moscow, Samara, and Tver regions.

The thematic sections of "Agroprodmash-2020" provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation in the food and processing industry, the changes that have occurred and new development trends. The exhibition covers the technological chain for all stages of production - from raw materials, ingredients, equipment to packaging, quality control, cooling and storage of food and beverages.

Speaking at the ceremony, the President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sergey Katyrin, called the opening of Agroprodmash 2020 an extraordinary event-it is both an anniversary and the first private exhibition of Expocentre after a break. Expocentre prepared it together with exhibitors, entrepreneurs, unions and associations, and everyone who works in the field of food processing.

The participation in the exhibition of more than 250 Russian companies that came with their new technologies and equipment, as well as their colleagues from other countries, is an opportunity to compare domestic developments with those of foreign partners. And the business program of the exhibition will provide an opportunity to discuss various topics, including with lawmakers, because many issues that have not yet been fully resolved are related to the regulatory framework, the head of the Chamber noted.

source: www.agroprodmash-expo.ru