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"AGROPRODMASH-2017" - the 22st international exhibition

From 9 to 13 October 2017 in Moscow in the Central exhibition complex "Expocenter" was held the 22nd international exhibition of equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for food and processing industry "Agroprodmash-2017".

The project implemented by the "Expocentre", once again proved its status of the largest Russian case competition, showcasing a wide range of machinery, equipment and technological solutions for enterprises in the different sectors of the food processing industry.

The exhibition was held with the official support of the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation, under the patronage of the chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation.

On the area of 61 sq. m. 712 technological solutions presented 808 companies from 37 countries of the world. Germany, Poland and China had national exposure. The exhibition was attended by 450 Russian companies. The show was visited by over 24,000 people, of whom 92% were industry professionals.

19 salons "Agroprodmash-2017" demonstrated the development of all segments of the food industry, achievements of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Was the premiere technological solutions for various industries industry food and new participants.

Compared to the previous year by 31% increased cabin area "Technologies for confectionery and bakery industry". Relevant and innovative solutions introduced the integrators from Russia and Europe. In the exhibition was attended by 104 leading manufacturer of specialized equipment for the production of bread and confectionery products.

In the exhibition reflected the theme of import substitution. Compared with the year 2016, significantly increased the salons "dairy products, cheeses" (70 companies), "Equipment for the beverage industry. Bottling" (105 companies). The share of domestic manufacturers in this industry was about 60%.

Further development of the salon "Ingredients, additives, spices". For three years, its area increased by 22%. This year the salon was located in two large pavilions 7 and 3. The participants of the fair became 100 companies from 20 countries. It was the first Turkey. The interior was supplemented with companies from Russia, Turkey, Germany and the Netherlands.

At the exhibition "Agroprodmash-2017" was demonstrated by the decision on quality control, automation of production, warehousing, logistics and transportation.

This year the exhibition was attended by 160 domestic manufacturers of food processing equipment. Russian companies presented their new products and future developments for livestock, poultry and farms, dairy plants, cheese makers, manufacturers of juices and drinks, fruit and vegetable processors, meat, poultry and fish processing industries, etc.

source: www.agroprodmash-expo.ru